Sunday, February 23, 2025
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Friday, January 3, 2025
Hope I Die Before I Get Old
"Hope I die before I get old" - The Who (Pete Townshend)
Tom Nichols of The Atlantic laments this week saying that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame shouldn't even exist. I don't totally agree but he does make some good points. It's a debate that's been going on since before it existed. I get it, rock and roll was suppose to be part of the anti-establishment and the existence of a Hall of Fame makes it, the establishment.
I agree with Nichols that Rock and Roll is generational and is defined or expressed by each new generation. Rock and roll music exploded with the Boomer generation in the 60's and 70's. It helped defined their generation. Although the following generations did their best to follow but admittedly there seemed to be diminishing influence on popular music.
Like our leaders in government these days rock and roll seems to have their own form of gerontocracy going. When The Beatles were inducted in 1988 George, Paul and Ringo were all in their 40's, even then I remember the aging 60's rockers were considered "old" for rock and roll which had an image of youth and energy. How quaint were those days. Now it seems a Rock and Roll induction seems to be a race to get members in before they leave this world. Now we still have, Paul McCartney, Ringo, Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan still touring in their 80's.
I wouldn't go as far Tom Nichols saying it shouldn't exist. Those musician who excel and have worked hard should receive recognition. I do hope, and I'm paraphrasing The Who, I hope they do before they get too old.